How To Start a Blog When You D Not Know How

This poor excuse for a blog should be evident that it does not take much to create a blog.

All You need:

  1. domain name. This is the I use to see if the domain I want to use is available.
  2. 2. Web hosting. THIs is the company that owns the servers you choose to load all your files to. For me this is Hostinger
    I chose Hostinger because they are affordable for a new blogger. ….like

I chose the 4 year business plan. Because it cost approx 2.99 per month for 48 months plus I got a few extra months free. Additionally, the plan i chose allows me to host up to 100 websites. ALT THOUGH IT is relatively inexpensive….. The hosting component is the most expensive component of running a blog/website. h domain fee is approx 10 to 15 dollars. Althoufgh I purchase 4vyears ofvthe webhosting upfront., I generally only pay forvone year ofvthe domain upfront. I put my dominsnames in a spreadsheet. And the date they expire so i can renew them prior to expiration..

Thebonlyy other point ill make is that you will want to install wordpress… Ifvyou are competent in Word or powerpoin. (Im not, you will do fine. AGain, ill point you to the title of this post.

For someone new to blogging I will suuggest, thatvyou acquire your domain name from the same sourcevthat you acquirevyour web hosting. TTHhis is not required.Howver, it is simpler. OTHERWISise you will be required to editvthe settings of some of your domain files …..It is not terribly difficult.. and most webhosts will be happy to give you proper instruction….. But wexve already esstablidshhed that we do notvreally know what we are doing. Havent we?.

from Here, installing wordppress, is a few button clicks away….And of course, you will want to install a theme for the overall look of your website.

Content creation and driving traffic…. You will have to look elsewhere for that. THe main point ofvthis post is not to let the fact thatvyou. Ddo not know what you are doing prevent you from taking action. you don’t have to be perfect. Just start.. The more you put into it, the easier bettervyou will be… Yes im still working at it.. i still have a full time job. thus, this site only gets a few hours a week of my attention.

Let me leave you with, this one other fact to illustrate, howuncomplicated it is to just get the blog started.

I put this website up after I had stroke………so please excuse my typos from one handed typing.

pleaase note links on this page are affiliate links.

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